2024 Western Cape Regional Championship
Dates: 29/03/2024 to 01/04/2024
Venue: Mossel Bay Sailing Club
Registration: 29/03/2024, from 08:00 to 11:00.
Equipment inspection and event measurement: 29/03/2024, from 11:00.
Terms and Conditions
1. I am / we are members in good standing of the SAS.
2. My crew and I both agree to be bound by the WS Racing rules of Sailing, the applicable class rules, the Notice of Regatta and the Sailing Instructions with any duly posted amendments.
3. My crew and I both agree that we shall compete entirely at our own risk, and we accept that none of the organisations or persons concerned in the organisation and management of the regatta will carry any liability for damages or injury suffered at any time during the period of and as a result of the regatta.Please fill in required fields below